5150 feet is the elevation of Casper, WY
1890 is the year Wyoming became a state
307 is the area code of Wyoming. This is one of the original area codes created in 1947. Wyoming is one of only 11 state to have one area code.
Wyoming is the 10th largest state in square miles, with 97,914 SQ miles.
It ranks at 50th for population.
The average precipitation is 14.5 inches
The 2010 census showed 563,626 people live in Wyoming
The highest point is Gannett Peak at 13,804 feet and the lowest point is the Belle Fourche River at 3,100 feet.
The Wyoming flag was designed by Mrs. A.C. Keyes of Casper and was adopted January 31, 1917.
The Great Seal of Wyoming was adopted at the second legislature in 1893 and was revised in 1921.
The Bucking Horse is the Federal and State trademark of the State of Wyoming.
The original State Songs was adopted in 1955 and is called Wyoming written by C.E. Winter and was put to music by G.E. Knapp.
The Red Desert is the largest active dune system in the U.S. and the second largest in the world.
The world largest herd of desert elk is in the Red Desert.
The training scenes in the film Rocky IV were shot in Jackson.
The largest State Park is Boysen with more than 35,000 acres.
Nellie Ross was the first female governor in the U.S. Nellie was elected to finish her husband’s tenure and she served from 1925 to 1927.
The Laramie County Library System is the oldest organized library in the US.
At the 2012 Summer Olympics, Wyoming was the most represented state per capita with two competitors.
The US government owns 48% of the state of Wyoming.
Only three state have names beginning with two consonants, Florida, Rhode Island and Wyoming.
The antelope (pronghorn) is the second fastest animal on land, traveling at speeds of 60-70 mph.
The largest hot springs in the US is the Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone park., the third largest in the world.
Wyoming is home to the second largest wild horse population. Nevada is first.
The name Wyoming comes from a Native American expression meaning “at the big plains.”
In 2015, The Guinness Book of World Records recorded the largest swing dance in Laramie, with more than 1,000 dancers.
There are 32 islands in Wyoming. Most are found in Yellowstone Lake, Jackson Lake and Green River.
Famous People from Wyoming; Jackson Pollock, artist; Mildred Harris, actress; Matthew Fox, actor; Curt Gowdy, sportscaster; Dana Perino, commentator; Travis Rice, snowboarder; Rulon Gardner, Gold medal Olympian; Zane Beadles, football; Kanye West, singer; John Perry Barlow, poet and song writer; Scott Avett, singer and many others.
Wyoming is ranked second in gun ownership, with 66.2% of adults owning a gun, just behind Montana with 66.3%.
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